Australia: Mandatory Labeling For Lupin Will Start On May 26, 2018
According to the recent announcement from FSANZ, the mandatory labelling for lupin will enter into force starting May 26, 2018.
Lupins and peanuts are in the same plant family, therefore, lupins could put consumers at risk for an allergic response.
In Australia, the use of lupins in foods is increasing due to its high protein and fiber content. Therefore, in 2017, the Australian Authorities felt it was necessary to add lupins to the list of declared allergens. Food manufacturers had 12 months to become compliant.
Any food (foods already on the shelf are also included) that contains lupins are required to have mandatory labelling from May 26th, 2018. For food sold in takeaway shops or unpackaged foods, it is required to display the allergen information or provide allergen information if asked by customers.