China Proposes to Regulate the Rapid Detection Test in Food
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On April 16, 2021, the State Administration of Marketing Regulation issued the draft regulation on “Rapid Detection Test in Food”, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China.
The topic of interest is the use of fast-food inspection in edible agricultural products, bulk food, food and beverage products, on-site food products, etc with result displayed in short time period.
The scope of the draft document is summarized below:
- Food inspection should be carried out with appropriate facilities, equipment and systems.
- Food inspectors should have the appropriate professional operation ability as professional training in food inspection, familiarity with relevant law, technical standard etc.
- The published food inspection information should be true, objective and easy to understand, and should not mislead consumers.
- State-mandated method of rapid inspection to carry out spot checks and tests for daily supervisions. If tests results are unsatisfactory re-inspection is applicable within four hours.
- Non-conforming products should be properly disposed of.
- Evaluation should be fair and traceable to ensure that the evaluation results are objective, scientific and accurate.
This opinion shall be applicable to regulate the behaviour of market supervision departments and market operators who sell food using food inspection.
Draft is open for public comments until May 16, 2021.
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