CLP is being updated: 11th ATP has been published
The 11th ATP of CLP
On May 4th 2018 Regulation (EU) n. 2018/669, known as the 11th ATP, has been published on the official gazette of the European Union. It brings changes to Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP).
This regulation updates Annex VI of Regulation 1272/2008 by adding a translation for the chemical names of harmonised substances. This translation is available in all 23 European languages, meaning that this update now provides an official translation of the chemical names for harmonised substances.
The 11th ATP will come into force starting from December 1st 2019, but can be adopted earlier on a voluntary basis.
Trace One already planned analysis and implementation of this ATP, and will keep you updated on this topic.
For more information please refer to the regulation itself, available in all european languages at the following link:
Newsletter 110