CLP is being updated: 13th ATP
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Trace One
The 13th ATP of CLP
On October 5th 2018 Regulation (EU) n. 2018/1480, corresponding to the 13th ATP, has been published on the official EU journal. This regulation amends Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP).
The name “13th ATP” is a common naming standard, and not how the EU defines its CLP updtes through Regulations. Regulation (EU) n. 2018/1480 hs been published although the 12th version has not been published yet, existing for now only in draft form. The 12th ATP will align the CLP criteria to the 6th and 7th UN GHS revisions, and its expected date of publishing is in the first trimester of 2019.
The 13th ATP updates annex VI of CLP by adding 16 new harmonised substances and changing the classification of 18 substances already included in the annex. Many of these substances are widely used in the chemical industry, such as sodium hypochlorite and salicylic acid.
Moreover, the 13th ATP introduces harmonised Acute Toxicity Estimate values (ATE) for three substances: colecalciferol (CAS 67-97-0), pyrocatechol (CAS 120-80-9) and pinoxaden (CAS 243973-20-8).
The 13th ATP will come into force on May 1st 2020, and can already be applied on a voluntary basis.
Trace One has planned a regulatory analysis and implementation of the 13th ATP, and will keep you updated on it.
Click this link to read the full text of the 13th ATP, available in all European languages:
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