Codex Latest Food Standards on Multiple Products – October 2019
Codex Alimentarius
Posted By:
Nevena Vujosevic
On October 03 and 05, the Codex Alimentarius has published new standards that apply to multiple food commodities. Among them:
- “CXS 86-1981 Standard for Cocoa Butter” applies to cocoa butter used as an ingredient for the production of chocolate and chocolate products and it repeals the Amendment from 2016;
- “CXS 53-1981 Standard for Special Dietary Foods with Low-Sodium Content (Including Salt Substitutes) 2019” repeals the Amendment from 1983;
- New standards for meat and meat products: “CXS 89-1981 Standard for Luncheon Meat 2015”, “CXS 97-1981 Standard for Cooked Cured Pork Shoulder 2015” and “CXS 98-1981 Standard for Cooked Cured Chopped Meat 2015.”
Read the full text of the standards in our Food Law Library and get alerts on future updates from Codex Alimentarius!