DataPackage Update - February 2019
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Trace One
Following the update of the SVHC substances in the Candidate List and the publication of European Directive 2019/130 on european occupational exposure limits, Trace One has updated its solutions by releasing a dedicated EU DataPackage for Trace One SDS Authoring Professional. Download your installation package to update your systems!
Candidate List Update
The EU Data Package includes the latest updated SVHC Candidate List, as published on the ECHA website on January 15th 2019. If you lost some of these updates, know that this DataPackage will update your data to the newest version of the SVHC Candidate List.
To know the complete list of new substances added to the SVHC Candidate List, refer to the ECHA article at this address: https://resources.selerant.com/ehs-blog-en/candidate-list-new-svhc-substances-added. You can also download the manual related to this new EU DataPackage, or refer to the complete list of SVHC Candidate List substances on the ECHA website: https://echa.europa.eu/candidate-list-table.
Occupational Exposure Limits EU 2019/130
On January 31st 2019 European Directive 2019/130 has been published. This Directive updates Annex III of Directive 2004/37/CE listing european occupational exposure limits, adding a number of new entries. To know more about these new occupational exposure limits, please refer to our Regulatory newsletter on the topic, and to the DataPackage manual.
ACGIH 2018
The EU Data Package also includes occupational exposure limits according to the ACGIH publication of 2018.
Obtaining your update
You can download the update package with the new SVHC substances and OELs, as well as the installation manual, by connecting to the Download area of your personal area at this link. For further inquiries or problems, feel free to get in touch with our technical support at help@selerant.com.
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