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- EFSA Modifies Existing Maximum Residue Levels for Isofetamid in Berry Fruits
EFSA Modifies Existing Maximum Residue Levels for Isofetamid in Berry Fruits
On June 24, 2021, the European Food Safety Authority published the regulation on “Modification of the existing maximum residue levels for isofetamid in raspberries, blackberries and dewberries” in accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005.
The scientific document describes the use levels of pesticides as follows:
- The data was found to be sufficient to derive the MRL proposal for the berry fruits.
- MRLs for raspberries, blackberries and dewberries was raised from 3 to 7 mg/kg.
- Adequate analytical methods for enforcement are available to control the residues of isofetamid at the validated limit of quantification (LOQ) of 0.01 mg/kg.
- The risk assessment result concluded that the short-term and long-term intake of residues according to the reported agricultural practices is unlikely to present a risk to consumer health.
To view the complete document, check out the Food News Monitoring System.