FSANZ Publishes Food Standard Code (Maximum Residue Limits-Schedule 20)
Contaminants & Pesticides
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Trace One
On July 12th, 2022, the Food Standards Australia New Zealand’s Federal Register of Legislation published the article “Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code — Schedule 20 - Maximum residue limits Variation Instrument No. APVMA 3, 2022” in accordance with subsection 82(8) of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991.
The document outlines the following:
- Includes or changes maximum residue limits pertaining to agricultural and veterinary chemical products;
- The table in section S20–3 in Schedule 20 is varied by inserting in alphabetical order the commodities for Pesticides Fluoxapiprolin, Isotianil, and Metabromuron;
- Omits the foods and associated MRLs for Pesticides Glyphosate, Maldison, and Mandestrobin;
- Omits the maximum residue limit for commodities under Haloxyfop, Mandestrobin, Florpyrauxifen-benzyl, etc.
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