Japanese Latest News on Food Safety
Food Safety
Posted By:
Irene Piao
On October 9 and 11, 2019, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)(厚生労働省) has issued the following publications on food hygiene and safety:
- Partial revision of "Partial Amendment Of Analytical Methods For Substances That Are Ingredients Of Pesticides, Feed Additives Or Veterinary Drugs Remaining In Food (MHLW No. 1009 No. 1 of 2019).", which amends "Examination Method of Chemicals as Components of Residual Pesticides, Feed Additives or Animal Drugs in Foods, no.0124001, 2005" published on January 23, 2005.
- New draft reports on the agricultural chemicals and veterinary medicines subcommittee: permethrin (pesticide and veterinary drug), iminokazine (agricultural chemicals), tifluzamide (agricultural chemicals), bench avari carbuisopropyl (agricultural chemicals), methyltetraprolol (pesticide).
Check the full text of the documents in the MHLW website or in our Food Law Library.