Watch the Replay - Regulatory news: Annex VIII CLP and new EU SDS
Watch the replay of the webinar on the latest regulatory updates in Trace One SDS Authoring and Trace One Devex PLM solutions.
About the webinar
Given the recent regulatory developments for EU notifications and SDS, this webinar will allow you to stay up to date with the latest news.
In particular the webinar will present the latest updates about EU Poison Centres Notification, as for example the draft text of the second amendment of CLP Annex VIII.
Moreover, we will provide relevant information about the new European regulation on Safety Data Sheets: 2020/878.
Topics to be discussed
PCN Notification and UFI
- Regulatory information: draft of second amendment of Annex VIII
- Practical advice: next update of ECHA PCN format and portal
- Main modifications to format and content of SDS
- Application date of regulation 2020/878 and transition period
Attendees will be welcome to ask questions at the end of the presentation in a lively Q&A session.
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