Technical update and introduction of ATP 13
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Trace One
Regulation 2018/1480 (ATP 13), effective from 1 May 2020, updates 18 harmonized classifications in Table 3.1 of Annex VI of the CLP Regulation, introduces 16 new harmonized classifications and adds the harmonized acute toxicity estimation (STA) value for 3 substances, available HERE .
In order to always be compliant, Trace One has published a technical update that implements such a regulation in the various solutions.
From a regulatory perspective, no new calculation rules are changed or added.
Get the update
For all Trace One SDS Authoring Professional users, you can download the update package containing the above, in addition to the installation manual, by linking to the Downloads section of the reserved area, available HERE. Remember that in the same arena you can:
- Enter technical and regulatory support tickets;
- Check the status of requests and update them
- Download the latest releases from the Downloads section
- Check the request history from the Case Management System section.
For more details about the features introduced in the update, we suggest that you read the guide carefully and please note that technical support is available at email help@selerant.com while regulatory support is available at regulatory@selerant.com.
For Trace One SDS Authoring Corporate users, remember to contact their project managers in order to implement the latest technical update.
The update in practice
Once you have installed the technical update containing the new ATP, you can classify the mixtures according to the latter and then produce sheet and labels with the new classifications.
IMPORTANT: For clarity, let's remember that the numbering assigned to CLP APCs is purely conventional. Regulations, including ATP, are published with an official designation (e.g.: 2018/1480). For this reason, and due to a delay in publications, ATP 13 (regulation 2018/1480) was released prior to ATP 12 (Regulation 2019/521).
To find out all the solutions available for Trace One SDS Authoring Professional, Trace One SDS Authoring Corporate, Trace One Devex PLM and HSM please contact our Customer Service at EU-customer-service@selerant.com.
Newsletter 130