Media Mention: Trace One's Strategy for Process PLM
Product Lifecycle Management
Posted By:
Hollie Farrahi
Tech-Clarity features Trace One's formula-based PLM solution Trace One Devex PLM and its newer Trace One Devex PLM Baseline System in its overview of the process PLM space.
"They [Trace One] have expanded beyond their core (and very mature) formulation and compliance tools further upstream to Innovation Process Management with ideation and some basic Product Portfolio Management (PPM). They’ve also added a Supplier Collaboration Portal to gather information like ingredient specifications from suppliers in a more streamlined fashion. Now, they support the process industries 'from Idea to Label.'
Trace One is a specialty player with strong presence and mature software to meet the needs of the formula- and recipe-based industries. They are successful in competing against even the largest of players because of their tight market focus, particularly in the food and beverage industry, and continue to grow. Trace One is moving toward the future, making solutions easier to adopt and setting themselves up for the transition to offering cloud solutions."